What to do in a crisis
Changes Bristol is not a crisis or acute mental health service. However, if you are going through an acute bout of mental illness, you may require access to crisis services provided by the NHS. This kind of distress would involve:
- Suicidal behaviour or intent
- Psychotic episodes (loss of sense of reality, hallucinations, hearing voices)
- Panic attacks/extreme anxiety
- Other behaviour that seems out of control or irrational & that is likely to endanger yourself or others
If you or someone you are concerned about or care for is in an emotional or mental health crisis and feel that an urgent response is required:
- Contact the person’s GP or the GP out of hours service
- Phone NHS on 111 (if it is not a life-threatening emergency)
- Contact the Bristol Mental Health Crisis Line – 0800 953 1919, open 24/7
- Contact the Bristol Sanctuary; a safe place to go in a crisis. You can call them on 0117 954 2952 or 07709265661, or email awp.bmhsanctuary.nhs.ne
- People that use mental health services may have a crisis card or an Advance Directive in their bag or pocket that provides information about who to contact in a crisis.
- Most people who use mental health services will also have a Care Plan and a named professional responsible for their care. Ask them for these details.
If you have serious concerns for someone’s immediate safety then they can go to Accident and Emergency or phone the Emergency Service 999 for assistance.
There is an on call Psychiatrist at the Bristol Royal Infirmary who you can ask to see in an emergency.
Suicide is the leading cause of death among young people aged 20-34 in the UK. For more information on how suicide is impacting people in the UK, click here.
Telephone: 116 123 (free)
National number: 08457 90 90 90
Email: jo@samaritans.org
Open 7pm to 11pm Wednesday to Sunday
Telephone: 0117 203 4419
Sane Mental Illness HelpLine
Telephone: 0300 304 7000
Open every day 4pm – 10pm

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Lawrence Hill
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