We are a Peer Support Mental Health Charity
Changes Bristol is a mental health charity that began in 2003 when people with lived experience came together to form a support network for those suffering mental distress. We have developed as an organisation through the experience of our members, developing our services to meet the needs of communities throughout Bristol and the surrounding area through our peer support model.
Due to COVID19, our services have changed but they remain free to access, with no referral or formal diagnosis required from a health professional (e.g. GP). Where we used to run 12 peer support meetings every week all over the greater Bristol area, we now provide our support groups online and have set up a completely new Peer Befriending Service.
As of early 2021 we began re-opening our physical face-to-face groups and a constantly updated list can be found here. We also run specialised meetings for Women of Colour, LGBTQ+, a Men’s Group and a Women’s Group. All groups are open-ended so that people can access them for as long as they would like.
Changes Bristol is a registered charity, number 1167828, and company number 08914724
We are a peer-led organisation
We are a peer led organisation here to serve the people of Bristol, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) and Bath & North East Somerset. A grass roots community organisation, the charity was set up by people who have lived experience of mental health problems in order to help others. The vast majority of our Board of Trustees, staff and volunteers all have lived experience or have used our service for their own mental wellbeing. Lived experience is at the core of our organisation and peer support has been the bedrock of our services since our foundation in 2003.
We largely rely on the good will and service of a large volunteer base to provide our services and our funding is currently supported by grants, donations and a very small amount of Bristol City Council funding.
We have a team of over 50 volunteers which is growing all the time, as well as the Board of Trustees who are themselves volunteers. We currently have 9 employees helping to deliver services to over 500 people every year. Meet our staff team.
For more about the history of our organisation please click here.
it’s a safe, non-judgemental space where I can just be me each week”
J, Changes Bristol Member

How We Can Help You
Our support groups
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What to do in a crisis
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Registered address
Changes Bristol
Barton Hill Settlement
41-43 Ducie Road
Lawrence Hill
Charity Details
Registered Charity Number
Registered Company Number
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