What we do
Statistics show that as many as 1 in 4 people will suffer from some sort of mental distress as some point in their lives. Many more will be indirectly affected as their friends and loved ones suffer. Changes Bristol has been providing support to those in mental distress in Greater Bristol, since 2003. People access our services in the city of Bristol, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire (BNSSG), and Bath & North East Somerset.
We provide support in four main ways:
We provide weekly support meetings across the city so that people can come and talk about their problems in a non-judgemental, safe and confidential environment. This service is free, accessible to all adults (over 18), has no waiting list, requires no referral or formal diagnosis and can be used for as long as people would like. This socialisation model provides a platform where people can come together to develop trust and socialise with others, thus reducing isolation.
We also provide literature and learning materials at each meeting to improve wellbeing. These are based on Positive Psychology, CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and Mindfulness.
We provide a befriending service to match individuals with a volunteer for weekly peer support via phone or “Walk and Talk”. Anyone can sign up to be paired with a befriender, regardless of whether they have a formal diagnosis or have ever used our groups before.
There is a short waiting list but once paired, befriendees will receive a regular call (or walk) at the same time each week and can use this time to talk about their mental health or anything else.

We provide multiple volunteering opportunities to help people in their recovery, give back, increase their self-esteem and develop new skills.
Our volunteers facilitate meetings, make calls as befrienders, help with marketing, run fundraising events, do office admin, advocate for us and the charity would not exist without them.
We provide bespoke training in mental health awareness in the workplace, mental health first aid, running your own peer support networks and many other areas.
Through doing this we generate awareness which in turn combats stigma, and we signpost a wide variety of people to relevant support options.

How We Can Help You
Our support groups
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What to do in a crisis
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Registered address
Changes Bristol
Barton Hill Settlement
41-43 Ducie Road
Lawrence Hill
Charity Details
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