by changesbristol | Jun 9, 2020 | Articles & testimonials, Mental Health Awareness, Support Groups
We are aware that the death of George Floyd in the US and the subsequent protests around the world and here in Bristol may be having an impact on the mental wellbeing of Changes Members. We want to reassure new and existing members, that our groups are safe spaces to...
by changesbristol | May 21, 2020 | All events, Coronavirus, Fundraising events, Mental Health Awareness, Social events, Uncategorized
100 Miles Rob Walker is going to walk 100 miles in five days to raise money for Changes Bristol – all in his 9×5 metre back garden in Patchway. Wellbeing Walks with Walker gets underway on Monday 25 May. Rob estimates that he will be walking for up to eight hours...
by changesbristol | May 15, 2020 | Articles & testimonials, Mental Health Awareness
The theme of 2020 Mental Health Awareness Week is Kindness. We wanted to explore how we’re kind to ourselves so have put together some video snippets from members and friends....
by changesbristol | Apr 24, 2020 | Coronavirus, Mental Health Awareness
For many people, lockdownwill put significant pressure on their mental wellbeing, resulting in feelings of worry and anxiety. This is understandable. Anxiety is a natural response to uncertainty and danger, and with so much change to our normal lives we can find we...
by changesbristol | Apr 16, 2020 | Coronavirus, Mental Health Awareness
For many people, the Government’s order to stay at home will put significant pressure on their mental wellbeing. This is not surprising, as many of us rely on the freedom to meet others outside our homes to give us a sense of connection, variety and meaning. New...